Tuesday, 19 July 2011

All quiet on the Western Burger front

The keener foodies among you (no names no pack drill Beef), might have noticed a distinct lack of Burger updates from last few weeks. Fear not, I am still attempting to ferret out the good stuff, but of late it's been a pretty poor showing with only distinctly average fare presented. I took an executive decision (because hey, it's only me, it's my damn blog and my mission) to only write up the good stuff as no-one remembers that which only hits the giddy heights of good enough.

Herewith the scores on the doors so far. The calibration is holding steady, with GBK firmly mid-table.





Fish & Farm 20 25 80.0%
Ford's Real Hamburgers 16 25 64.0%
Cherry Cricket 19 30 63.3%
GBK 15 25 60.0%
Crown Burger 17 30 56.7%
True Grit 13 25 52.0%
Boss Hog 15 30 50.0%
Polkers Gourmet 11 25 44.0%

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