Sunday, 31 July 2011

Diggin' on human power in Wyoming

Sunday morning kayak on Lake Jackson

America loves the motor car (well in fact they love girt big trucks masquerading as cars), so much so that most touristy places I go end up with a 1/2 mile exclusion zone around the car park beyond which 80% of Americans will not walk.

This is A Good Thing because it means the application of a little human powered activity i.e. walking or, in this mornings case, paddling, results in accessing proper wildscapes without screaming kids, revving engines, yakking people or white socks pulled half way up to the knees.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

The Bird 'Ghetto on a Good Day' Burger - 19/25

The Bird in Jackson's 'Ghetto on a Good Day' 9oz burger

The more places I see, the more it reinforces how incredibly important personality becomes in a restaurant. Branded chains drown under a wave of greying conformity, no matter how brightly coloured their arches. Mom & Pop places should have personality oozing given their independence and owner/operator control, but too often they make no statement at all and end up just as grey and forgettable as the generica.

In any endeavour where you want to have people take away positive memories and experiences , you can't do that unless somebody somewhere in the organisation puts a big old stake in the ground and says This is what we are about. It doesn't have to be complex (it's usually better not) or be grand, but as long as you have something concrete to hang your business, band or restaurant off that's what matters and it's what will lift you out of the murky depths of average.

The Bird had it in spades for me. It's an idiosyncratic pub just South of Jackson, Wyoming. Opened in 2010 by two New Yorkers via Berlin it's become the #1 Restaurant on Tripadvisor in Jackson (all this I found out after the fact as I was tipped off by some locals from my namesake town earlier in the day when I enquired 'who makes the best burgers around here' and got told, "Hands down, The Bird").

A Wilson got to Wyoming before me

Grand Teton Mountains against Wyoming plains road

After the magnificence of Yellowstone, I was prepared for a duller landscape, but immediately below Yellowstone lies the Grand Teton mountain range and national park so there was no let up in the jaw dropping scenery. In Winter this area becomes one of America's prime snow destinations, but seen under Summer skies, there's a whole other life to be had.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Sulphur and furry backsides in a still active caldera

Hot springs venting in West Thumb Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park

It could only be Yellowstone National Park. One of the few places in the US that have never been fenced or farmed it's also one of the first National Parks and treasure trove of just about any kind of geographic feature you care to name. Plains, hills, mountains, canyons, forests, lakes, rivers and marshes all sit inside the 40 mile wide caldera left behind by massive volcanic eruptions 2 million, 1.2 million and 600,000 years ago.

Much of the park is basically sitting inside the crater of a supervolcano ready to go off beneath it. The magma close below the surface results in extraterrestrial surface features like acid burned basins, sulphur spewing vents and superheated rainbow coloured pools caused by all the geothermal goings on.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Big Jud's Double Rodeo Burger - 13/25

Big Jud's Double Rodeo Burger

Big Jud's is a small chain of Idaho burger joints whose chief claim to fame is the 1lb Burger and multiples thereof, as seen on Man Vs Food. Call me a wuss but, I didn't fancy ploughing my way through one of those bad boys (1lb of beef isn't a problem, it's the 1lb again of topppings, sauces and cheese that puts me off) I compromised and went with a Double Rodeo Burger (basically an onion ring, bacon + homegrown BBQ sauce, layered twice as it's a double).

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Experimenting with roads and kites

Early morning on the Pass Creek Road in Idaho

I have found Idaho to be harder than any of the preceding states to sniff out places to overnight in, or at least the options feel limited because so much more of the state is given over to fenced off ranch land. Maybe it's a relic of the fact that early settlers got this far and couldn't face the depradations of the Oregon Trail further west so simply set roots on this side of the Cascades. Either way, I've had to work harder to find the good stuff. Having said that, when I have, the results have been entirely worth it.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

From baking to freezing in a thousand year old lava tube

Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho - a massive lava field

Day 4 finds me moving further East across the middle of Idaho. After a brief stop at Silver Creek for a dip it was on to the Craters of the Moon National Monument: a massive lava field stretching for miles across the plains. Thousands of years old flows have solidified and in places left behind lava tubes and caves you can climb or walk in. It was amazing how cold they were just a few feet below the baking hot surface.

More photos from Craters of the Moon

The only human in 100 square miles

Admiring views from middle of Bennett Hills in Idaho

On the way back down from the mountain forests of Sawtooth, the peaks gradually lose height, the trees thin out and the landscape starts flattening back to plains and rolling hills. A little real map planning had a small road, ID46 leaping out at me to link back to the US20 East. Halfway down the road, out of the corner of my eye I saw a tiny sign for 'City of Rocks Road' pointing off to a winding track to the West. Game on.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Chipmunk fishing in Sawtooth Forest

Bold Chipmunk in Salmon River Valley, Idaho near Galena Summit on ID75

Day 2 in Idaho finds me traversing the deep twisty depths of the assorted National Forests of Challis, Boise and Sawtooth. The forests don't seem as dense from the road as in Oregon, but there was a lot more evidence of Forest Fires leaving behind dead blackened or sun bleached blasted trees.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Hotel, schmotel - car camping is the way to go

Bridgeport Valley in Oregon, rolling hills and sagebrush begin

Coming down from the misty Oregon mountains and continuing inland towards Idaho, the first signs of high desert plains began to appear with horizon spanning rolling hills of sagebrush. For the early Oregon trail travellers, trying to reach the West coast going the opposite way, the contrast between sagebrush track plains and deep canyon dense forest would have been harsh, if not deadly in winter.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

All quiet on the Western Burger front

The keener foodies among you (no names no pack drill Beef), might have noticed a distinct lack of Burger updates from last few weeks. Fear not, I am still attempting to ferret out the good stuff, but of late it's been a pretty poor showing with only distinctly average fare presented. I took an executive decision (because hey, it's only me, it's my damn blog and my mission) to only write up the good stuff as no-one remembers that which only hits the giddy heights of good enough.

Herewith the scores on the doors so far. The calibration is holding steady, with GBK firmly mid-table.





Fish & Farm 20 25 80.0%
Ford's Real Hamburgers 16 25 64.0%
Cherry Cricket 19 30 63.3%
GBK 15 25 60.0%
Crown Burger 17 30 56.7%
True Grit 13 25 52.0%
Boss Hog 15 30 50.0%
Polkers Gourmet 11 25 44.0%

Monday, 18 July 2011

From 3,000 years old to 33 million years old

Yesterday was a bit of a geology field trip day. I spent time in the various units of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in mid-Oregon and drove through a barren black lava field up near Mount Washington.

The John Day Fossil Beds are a geologically significant area due to the many layers of rock exposed through erosion that document a 30 million year period in the planets's evolution. The place is crawling with fossils and paleontologists as a result. The coloured layers are caused by different minerals in the volcanic ash that formed them and because of the dry climate have remained essentially unchanged for multi-millions of years.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Oregon Coastline

Quick post of some shots I took on my trip up the Oregon coast featuring some beautiful beaches, dangerous guillemots and enviable property. I had two days of brilliant sunshine followed by 2 days of fog and rain, so got the timing just right. This coast is a lot more accessible than California, which was either too rugged or too built up for my taste. Sections of this trip reminded me a lot of the North Cornish coast. All it needed was a pasty to make the day perfect.

Oregon Coastline pictures

Random Americana

For those that like sort of thing, I'm keeping a little scrapbook of Americana snaps here

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Get off the map and stay off it

Spent 4 days touring round the depths of the National Forests of Klamath, Shasta, Trinity and Lassen, a huge area of mountains and forest taking up most of Northern California. In the process, I have become adept at snaking out awesome spots to overnight at, preferably with a river close by for morning dips. Had some epic drives, which completely blew Sat Nav Lady's mind (or maybe it was the canyons, fog, switchback roads, deep forests). I lost count of the number of legal U-turns she was desperate for me to make to force me back onto main roads. The more she does it the more I relish ignoring her..

Saturday, 9 July 2011

In which I visit Endor

Do you ever have those moments when something seems to reach into your brain, grabs a fistful of consciousness then yanks you out of your meatware to really appreciate where you are or what you're doing?

As I'm an old geezer who remembers turbo buttons on computers and the gently glowing 66 that meant you were a player, I get it frequently when holding a modern mobile phone; the sheer computing power stacked into something so small, the array of things it can do. Camera, calculator, diary, video camera, music player, organiser - and it makes calls too. Take yours out now and really think about what it's taken to put all the stuff in the palm of your hand. If you don't find yourself thinking isn't technology amazing, you're not concentrating hard enough.

Rocks with bubbles

Quick post of some shots I took off Salt Point State Park with amazing sandstone bubbled formations A.K.A. 'Tafoni'.

More Tafoni rock pictures

Friday, 8 July 2011

My first sniff of the 'real' Pacific

Technically, scrambling about below the Golden Gate Bridge should count, but somehow the fog and grey-ness that day didn't feel real. As I travelled North from San Francisco, climbing through Mount Tamalpais state park got me some fantastic above the clouds views and then later sheer distance from fog trap of the bay at Point Reyes seashore got me proper Pacific up close.

Like many things I'm finding on this trip, it's the little things that can catch you out when you shift cultures to another country. For example, if you ask for a side order of something in a restaurant in the US, you'll often have it delivered as an appetiser, rather than as, you know something on the side with your main dish (go figure). On the roads, you can turn right at a red light if it's safe and overtake on any side on the freeway. The point I'm making is that some stuff you take for granted or do automatically in one place, can have dire consequences in another.

I love the smell of antique nukes in the morning

First day out of San Francisco and a cold-war relic caught my eye. In the late 50s and early 60s the US built a network of 280 'Nike' Missile sites, dotted around the major strategic bases and population centres (Nike after the greek goddess of victory - the sneaker gods hadn't been invented yet). Whilst initially the missiles in these batteries were conventional high explosive, as the Cold War deepened, they were soon replaced with nuclear warheads...

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Fish & Farm 'Secret Sauce' Burger - 20/25

Fish & Farm is one of those restaurants within a hotel, in this case the Hotel Mark Twain in downtown San Francisco. It came to my attention as a winner of a San Francisco burger shoot out in 2009. Could it still cut the mustard?

Made it off The Rock

For much of its history, Alcatraz was actually a military post, one of the first fortified bases on the west coast in fact. Today it's a strange combination of ruined buildings, landscaped gardens, seabird sanctuary and tourist ghetto.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

It's true, you can walk around San Francisco

They (no, not 'They', just 'they') say San Francisco is one of the few American cities you can walk around. I put that to the test today on a grand 15 mile navigation encompassing Haight (+ Memphis Minnies to fuel up), the Presidio and Golden Gate bridge. I can exclusively reveal I am knackered and my feet could stop a zombie at 40 paces.

Meet "Cardio Mario"

Meet Cardio Mario. I met him whilst walking down Pacific Avenue, just down from the Presidio. He was out for his evening jog. I was marvelling at the architecture when he stopped and spent 20 minutes sharing with me the goings-on on what transpires was Billionaires Row, the most expensive street in the city.

From Larry Ellisons spat with his neighbours about trees blocking his view, to Sean Penn's alleged prediliction for using champagne bottles to test the theory of gravity from his roof, Mario had it all.

Mario isn't the only slightly strange thing out here. There are flocks of parakeets flying about and a strange species of molochian hobo that seems to be invisible to the rest of the populace. They walk up to trash bins and then enthusiastically mine them for aluminium cans which are then fastidiously crushed on the spot and added to their collections. I may follow one and see if I can find the mother nest.

Updated photos from 'Frisco

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Polkers Gourmet Burger - "The Mexican" - 11/25

Just down the street from where I'm staying in San Francisco, the magic words are writ large above the door; Polker's Gourment Burgers - Polker because I'm on Polk Street. Well, it would be rude not to.

A Michael Jackson tribute, fireworks with naff narration, the scent of Mary J... must be July 4th in San Francisco.

14 (mostly) white guys called Foreverland pulling off the best of Michael Jackson. Several thousand people on the grass of Aquatic Park, some smoking meat based items on BBQs, others smoking matter more vegetable in nature, both combined scents permeating the atmosphere. Nicely bombastic fireworks display, but diminished by overly naff intro speech and over-loud backing Americheese music. Still, crowd seemed to enjoy it. Good times.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Friday, 1 July 2011

Ford's Real Hamburgers, Sacramento - 16/25

Ford's Real Hamburgers is a classic counter style diner in the suburbs of Sacramento, hiding behind a Starbucks. The joint came to my attention from a recommendation in Jamie Jensen's Road Trip USA as a "truly great old burger place".